Friday, July 1, 2011

sad news

My sister is leving this tuesday.   My grandparents my brother and I are taking her to sacramento and maybe my cousin.  But we had a ok time. She was out here for a week. My sister lives in michigan. She mite come and visit on the holidays. We and my bruther and my sister are finding it herd. Last nigt I went up in my room and did my coping box.  And I thank the TBS teme for helping me to remember to do my box wen I need it.


  1. Wonderful, we're so proud of you Matt! You're a trooper. Stay awesome :]

    -Nicolle and Melissa
    P.S. Tell your Mom and Dad we said hi!

  2. Hello... to you both!!!

    We, too, are so very proud of Matt over the past few days. You've done well Matthew!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!!!!
    We love you!
    Mom and Dad
